My First Official Post

Hello and Welcome to my Blog!
This blog will be focusing primarily on technology, ranging from installation guides, to reviews, to just simple discussions about technology. This blog may also venture to make posts about finance, current events, and whetever else happens to be on my mind!
I am very excited to try this out, and I already have some posts in mind!
How I got the Idea
I thought about doing a blog based on my enjoyment of researching and documenting some software that I have installed. A lot of the time, there were very few resources aimed at helping beginners with these niche but fun services and applications. I learned that I had adapted my installation guides to help myself, who is also a novice when it comes to technology. My goal is to build these resources as though they were exactly what I had wished were availabe to me when I was getting started with the technology. It is my goal to help out people who are interested in trying out and utilizing software, but get stressed by being forced to read through hundreds of pages of documentation just to get started! I know I do, and thus I believe that there is bound to be others out there who feel the same way as me.
I hope that you like this idea and stay tuned for more!
A Little About This Website
This website is built using Hugo with the Clarity theme. I then hosted it on google firebase, and gave it a domain name that I bought. I am still learning the ins and outs of this software, so posts might not look so great until I do; I hope you understand.