Capstone Project: Week 14, Presentation

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Capstone Project: Week 14, Presentation

Hello and welcome to my final blog post. This week consisted of just preparing for the final presentation. I made the slides, I prepped my repository for demonstrations, created a video presentation that will be redone shortly, and I created the general script of my project demonstration.


The following are my slides I used during my live presentation in class on 12/8/2021. Overall, the presentation went smooth and was even quicker than what I did in my video.

This video will be a live demonstration of my project as well as the presentation included above. The live presentation in class was unable to be retrieved so this was done after the fact.

Watch Video Demonstration


Total paper submission is 30 pages, but approximately 20 pages in actual writing, the rest being images, references, the cover page, and table of contents. This paper goes into more detail about the processes and tooling used within the project. For a more in-depth and personal look into my work, the blog posts will be be even more extensive than the paper.


This was a super fun project and I am glad I chose this as my capstone project. Through my many interviews I am happy to say that a lot of the tooling and methodologies that I have learned are widely used within the industry, so I expect these skills to be reinforced throughout my career.

While I am not traveling down a Software Developer route, a role as a DevOps Engineer is interesting to me and I may consider that as a career-path down the road. I enjoy the challenge and I have learned that I love combining multiple different tools into one streamlined process.

My professor has asked for me to come back next semester to present more about DevOps beyond just my capstone project, which is incredibly awesome to me. I hope my peers will find that helpful. I also hope future readers will find my capstone project useful and that they might be inspired to replicate and expand upon my project as well.

Take care,

Logan White

Businessman giving Presentation Illustration by Manypixels Gallery on Iconscout