How to Study for CompTIA A+ 1002 Exam

So You Passed Your 1001...
Congratulations! 🥳
But now it is time to move on to your 1002 exam so that you can officially become CompTIA A+ Certified! If you haven't yet passed, or are looking for resources on how to pass the CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Exam, or if you are looking for more information about the CompTIA A+ exam, please refer to the link down below.
Click Here to View my A+ 1001 Post!While the 1001 and 1002 are both required to receive the A+ certification, they are completely different titans to tackle. It is recommended by the CompTIA Community to study and take each exam individually rather than together.
The resources utilized for the 1002 are similar and/or the same to those utilized by the 1001. However, when pursuing my studies for the 1002, I have decided to make some changes to my recommendations of resources from the 1001 to the 1002 as listed here in this post.
The Pathway To Pass!
Practice Practice PRACTICE!
For the 1002, you need to actually practice the objectives compared to just memorization in the 1001. You are going to want to install Oracle VirtualBox and install some Virtual Machines utilizing the following Operating Systems: Windows 7, 8, 10, Ubuntu Linux, and if you're able, MacOS.
It is very important to apply what you read or watch into a real environment. CompTIA expects you to not only understand how the commands, system utilities, and other Operating System features work, but how to utilize them. Do not be afriad to tinker around in these virtual machines; learn to your hearts desire!
Watch Videos and Apply What You've Learned
Once you have your test environments set-up, you are now ready to study and practice. For this exam, utilizing reading material will be less efficient compared to real practice and videos as it is focused mainly on operating systems and troubleshooting. Looking at the hundreds of images of the different operating systems in Mike Meyer's All-in-One will only help you learn how to get a good night's sleep. Watch videos and Practice!
Practice Exams and Review
Once you have finished your video courses, you are going to want to take as many practice exams as you can find. On top of that, you will want to compare your learning to the objectives list and review places you are weak at.
This is the pathway to success, and while it may seem simple, it is not easy. The A+ 1002 will primarily test you on how to Apply your understanding of the material. You need to review, practice, and review and practice again.
Reading Materials You Need
These materials will be utilized primarily for review and to follow along with other resources you may use.
![]() Professor Messer’s CompTIA 220-1002 Core 2 A+ Course Notes​
Author: Professor Messer Price as of 6/10/2021: $25.00 (PDF) $45.00 (Physical) Buy Here |
CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) Exam Cram 1st Edition
Author: David Prowse Price as of 6/10/2021: $35.43 Buy Here |
Professor Messer Course Notes
Professor Messer's course notes have been invaluable to many students taking the CompTIA A+ 1002 exam, and for good reason. They are fleshed out with tons of good information that falls in line with his free video course here. You should utilize his notes as a last-minute resource before you take the exam.
If you have the money, be sure to check out his other materials that he offers, such as his practice exams that he structures to be very similar to the actual exam.
Exam Cram
The Exam Cram book has received the highest reviews of all A+ books, and anyone who has used it has only recommended its content. This book also comes with some practice tests to help assert your knowledge, as well as a wealth of online resources for free, such as more practice exams and simulations.
The best use for the Exam Cram book is to compare it to the 1002 objectives to elaborate areas that you are weak in.
Video Resources
My choices for the video courses are mostly the same as those listed in my 1001 Post. Here are the updated links to the 1002 material:
- Mike Meyers Linked-In Courses
- Mike Meyers Total Seminars Courses
- Mike Meyers Udemy Course
- Professor Messer 1002 Course
- Professor Messer 1002 Study Groups
- Jason Dion PBQ's
Andrew Ramdayal on Udemy
I would also like to recommend Andrew Ramdayal's Udemy course found here.
Of all of the courses for which you have to buy, I believe his is definitely worth it. He has over 120 lectures that cover every objective from within the operating system, which no other instructor does, allowing you to have a much better visual learning experience. He also provides test questions, PBQ reviews, as well as a full 100+ slide presentation.
To make it better, his course is always $20, so you don't need to wait for a Udemy sale.
Exam Objectives
The exam objectives for the CompTIA A+ 1002 exam can be found here.
Be sure to study this and review any areas you may be weak in. Definitely focus the first two sections as those sections are more likely to have PBQs.
Practice Exams
The practice exams that I recommend are the same as last time. They are good resources and you should utilize all of them, including your Exam Cram book.
Resources From Me
I have created a 150+ question quizlet for my studies that attack particularly difficult or obscure parts of the exam. Please use them if they help!
QuizletConclusion and Exam Review
The process for the 1002 is very similar to that of the 1001, but there much more emphasis on applying your knowledge to the real world. The exam was extremely tricky for me, even more so than the last one. Be prepared for the questions that have multiple correct answers, but you have to find the best one.
Remember to practice what is taught in the resources provided in some virtual machines, review the published objectives, and ask for help in the CompTIA Reddit and the Discord Study Group. I and many others host study sessions reviewing practice exams and other materials on the discord, so please come join! We are all very helpful!